mahendra kashyap

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mahendra kashyap

mahendra kashyap

To Mrs.Sadhana Mam and Mrs. Sandhya mam, You both are inspiration to students and other teachers alike. You have activated a hunger for knowledge and wisdom, inspiring me to plan my future and become a better individual. Thanks for everything,and As students, many teachers and educators will pass through our lives without remembrance. Yet, a special few will leave a lasting impression. Thank you for being one of the special educators who will live on forever in the minds and hearts of the students whose lives you have touched.
Online Accent Spoken English
To Mrs.Sadhana Mam and Mrs. Sandhya mam, You both are inspiration to students and other teachers alike. You have activated a hunger for knowledge and wisdom, inspiring me to plan my future and become a better individual. Thanks for everything,and As students, many teachers and educators will pass through our lives without remembrance. Yet, a special few will leave a lasting impression. Thank you for being one of the special educators who will live on forever in the minds and hearts of the students whose lives you have touched.